The Good The Bad And The Ugly – 網中人

Guardian Angel - 守護神之保險調查 (Mainland Version)
Being Twins - 兄兄我我

Description: Ching Wai (Chow Yun-fat) is a fresh graduate from university, and is hired by a jewelry company called Yu-Fook, and he rises up the career ladder quickly, due to his superb performance, and he forges a relationship with the Director’s daughter, Fong Hei-man (Carol Cheng). The story continues smoothly,until an incident occurs. To pay his mother’s (Tang Pik-wan) gambling debts, he embezzles company funds and is reported by the cunning Yuen Kei-cheung (Lee Tao-hung). Ching is sentto prison, where he meets and befriends a gangster chief Lung Koon-sam (Shih Kien), who helps him both in and out of prison. Ching gets a job at another jewelry company, and collaborates with Lung to expose Yuen’s wrongdoings. Eventually, Yuen is caught, and Ching proposes to Fong.

Ching Chan (Liu Wai-hung), is also another main character. Known as Ah Chan, he is an idle immigrant from the Mainland. He is forced to carefor the Chings when Ching Wai is sent to prison. Unfortunately, Ching Wai commits a crime and is jailed, but manages to forge a family with his love Cheung Mei-po (Kong Ho-oi)

程緯大學畢業後,在玉福珠寶公司任職見習主任,由於表現出眾,遂獲晉升為分店經理,並與太子女方希文熱戀。可惜,為替母親償還賭債,程緯竟盜取公款,後被野心勃勃的阮其昌揭發,最後無奈入獄。養家的重擔便落在剛從大陸來港的弟弟程燦身上,而他與希文的感情亦告凍結。 程緯於獄中與黑幫頭目龍冠三結為好友,獲假釋出獄後,更透過龍冠三的介紹而進入一珠寶公司工作,成績卓越。 程緯因緣際會認識了前電視明星區曉華,並成為情侶。此時,希文之父去逝,玉福股份雖由她繼承,但公司的控制權已落入阮其昌手中。為保父親祖業,希文力邀程緯復出,一同對抗其昌,並揭破他假公濟私及貪污的罪行。程緯與希文二人餘情未了,頓時令他墮入迷惘之中,究竟誰才是他心中最愛?

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 80 Episodes
Release Date: 1979
Cast: Chow Yun Fat, Carol Cheng, Simon Yam

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