The Conquest – 爭霸

No Reserve - 巾幗梟雄之諜血長天
Tomorrow Is Another Day - 再戰明天

Description: A wartime epic with a wonderful blend of intrigue and romance! During the Spring and Autumn Period, ancient China was divided into small kingdoms ruled by various powerful regional warlords. This was a time of massive upheaval when a myriad of dramatic stories took place. The more than 20-year-long fight among the man of virtue FAN LAI (CHEN KUN), the persistent and dauntless AU TSIN (LAU CHUNG YAN, DAMIAN), the legendary hero FU CHAI (MA TAK CHUNG, JOE) and the mesmerizing beauty SAI SZE (KWOK, SONIJA) is a true classic that will long be remembered. More than history, The Conquest is a vivid portrayal of the prominent historical figures of 2,500 years ago. Although they do not seem to belong to the world of today, their endurance and courage in the face of adversity will never go out of date.

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 42 Episodes
Release Date: 2006
Cast: Joe Ma, Damian Lau, Chen Kun, Sonija Kwok

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