The Conqueror’s Story – 楚漢驕雄

The Imperial Doctress - 女医明妃传
Love is Beautiful - 無頭東宮


Description: At the end of the Qin Dynasty, many rivals are fighting for the throne. Among them, two good friends LAU BONG (CHENG SIU CHOW, ADAM) and HONG YUE (KWONG WA) are the most renowned.
YUE’s only ambition is to overthrow Qin. But, he ends up committing suicide at the Wujiang River. In contrast, BONG is from the lower class and has no political ambition at all. Ironically, he conquers the country. Their different endings suggest that personality determines one’s success, rather than the times or fate. Although YUE has many good helpers, including FAN TSANG (LAW LOK LAM), YING PO (WONG CHUN TONG), his uncle HONG LEUNG and cousin HONG CHONG (WONG CHAK FUNG), his arrogance drives them away one by one. On the other hand, BONG makes good use of his human resources. Many good warriors and intelligent politicians, like HON SHUN (LAI YIU CHEUNG, WAYNE), CHEUNG LEUNG (TSEUNG CHI KWONG, RAM), CHAN PING (LAM WAI SHUN, GILBERT), SIU HO (LO CHUN SHUN) and FAN FAI (AL WAI), devote their life to him.
There is always a beauty behind a hero. BONG’s wife LUI CHI (CHEUNG HO YEE, MAGGIE) helps him immensely. She has a desire for fame. Therefore, when she meets BONG, she rests all her hope on him. Similarly, YUE has a beautiful woman Lady YUE (NG MEI HENG, MELISSA). TSANG warns him that she is a jinx and advises him to kill her to forestall future trouble, but he refuses.

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 30 Episodes
Release Date: 25 October 2004
Cast: Adam Cheng, Kwong Wa, Maggie Cheung, Melissa Ng,Wayne Lai, Ram Tseung, Cerina da Graca, Sherming Yiu, Angela Tong, Gilbert Lam

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