Man In Charge – 幕後大老爺

Man In Charge - 幕後大老爺 - Episode 01
The Brink of Law - 突圍行動

Description: Master TAI YAU KUNG (Lau Ka Fai) is skilled in training official advisor for government. He helps his foster son CHOW PING (Ma Kwok Ming) obtain a job in officialdom. PING is a resourceful young man but he holds fast to his own beliefs. He finds all the rules and practices of the officials intolerable so he stays idle all the time. Sometimes he goes tavern to have fun and he falls into the adorable owner CHONG SIU HAN (Leila Tong). His wife CHIU YUK HING (Tsui Tsz Shan, Kate) becomes green-eyed monster and never stays in settlement with him. KUNG recommends PING to work as an advisor to the new government official SHUM KWAN POK (Matthew Ko). PING and POK become good friends as time goes by. However, PING accidentally discovers that his respectful master KUNG is actually the father of POK. In order to protect himself, POK starts making use of HING to eliminate PING. PING is shocked to realize that his wife is in fact a spy dispatched by Imperial …

足智多謀的周炳(馬國明飾),深受幕學大師兼養父戴有恭(劉家輝飾)的提攜,因利成便加入官場的幕僚行列。不過他擇善固執,不屑幕僚間的種種陋習,終日被投閒置散,更不時上酒館打發時間風花雪月。周炳迷上善解人意的酒館老闆莊小嫻(唐寧飾),惹起醋罈子正妻趙玉卿(徐子珊飾)日夜發飊,對他窮追猛打。 有恭顧念周炳,推薦他給新官沈君博(高鈞賢飾)作幕僚,二人經過磨合,由心生猜忌而漸成患難兄弟,但周炳卻無意間發現了恩師有恭正是君博的親生父親。君博見利忘義,為保仕途,竟利用玉卿的秘密身份借刀殺人,周炳始發現日夕共寢多年的髮妻原是朝廷派來監視自己的密探。

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 2009
Cast: Kenneth Ma, Kate Tsui, Matthew Ko, Leila Tong

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