Hope For Sale – 街市的童話

Tomorrow Is Another Day - 再戰明天
Chor Lau Heung - 楚留香

Description: HARPER WONG (LO KA LEUNG, GALLEN) is a vegetable hawker, WONG YI CHAI (HAR YU)’s son. HARPER has been helping out in his father’s store since he finished off high school, so he has a very special feeling about the wet market. One day, HARPER meets his old friend from childhood, YUMMI SO (NG WING MEI). YUMMI’s mother owns a floral shop in the market. Unfortunately, they turn against each other over a money conflict later. Simple-minded HARPER and materialistic YUMMI become an argumentative couple. Later, YUMMI suspects that her boyfriend is having an affair with HARPER’s wife, YIM MEI CHU (NG MEI HENG, MELISSA), so they put down their conflicts and investigate it together. They discover that CHU’s lover is someone else. YUMMI’s aunt, MIA YU (LAU, ALICE) is an optimistic person. She makes the relationship between her niece and neighbours better. She and CHAI begin to like each other. Later, when YUMMI and HARPER start up a vegetable wholesale business, they become close friends again and fall in love with each other. Meanwhile, CHU returns. As YUMMI does not want to be in this love triangle, she quits quietly. On the other hand, the mystery of HARPER’s identity is about to be revealed…

街市王子邂逅花檔公主,譜出一個溫馨旖旎的童話式愛情故事。 王夏伯(羅嘉良飾)是菜販王二仔(夏雨飾)長子。自中學畢業後,他便一直替父親打理菜檔,所以對菜市場有著一份濃厚的感情。 一天,夏伯重遇兒時玩伴蘇由美(伍詠薇飾),由美的母親更在市場內經營花檔。由美一家和二仔本是好友,可惜後來因財反目。夏伯為人戇直,由美為人勢利,兩人頓成鬥氣冤家。不久,由美懷疑男朋友與夏伯的妻子嚴美珠(吳美珩飾)有染,兩人被迫放下家仇,一同查探起來。一查之下,才得悉美珠的外遇原來另有其人。由美的姨姨余蜜雅(劉雅麗飾)是位樂天知命且歌藝了得之人,她的出現緩和了姨甥女與眾街坊之間的氣氛。二仔與蜜雅更暗生愛苗。到後來,夏伯與由美合作開辦蔬菜批發市場,在朝夕相處下,兩人不但冰釋前嫌,更不知不覺間愛上對方。 正當二人感情萌芽之際,美珠竟突然回來。由美不想陷入感情三角中,寧願悄然引退,不過……另一邊廂,夏伯的一段身世之謎亦即將爆發……

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 2004
Cast: Gallen Lo, Christine Ng, Melissa Ng, Ha Yu, Dickson Lee

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