Yue Shi China – 食得巧

Hong Kong is Singing – 唱出香港

Travel in Darkness – 暗中旅行

Taxi Go – 的士Go

Barter Game – 價值連城

All Work No Pay Holidays – India – 反斗紅星冇暑假 打工捱世界

SO TAKEI – The Ultimate Examiner – 武井試煉場

Hong Kong Heroes – 香港英雄

Taipei High Hi – 反斗紅星冇暑假 嘩鬼上學去

Caritas Star Studded Charity Show 2016 – 明愛暖萬心

Agora – 巨門陣

Creative Bomb – 網絡瘋人

News Magazine – 新聞透視

The Treadmill Runner – 沒有起跑線?

Friday Report – 星期五檔案

Chow HK Block To Block – 區區開伙

Colors 4 Desires – 人間絕色

My Handy Man – 乜都攪掂晒

Jimmy Lo Special – 樂壇詞聖盧國沾

Dolce Vita – 明珠生活

Money vs Honey – 慳D啦 Honey

Milan’s Living – 有種品味叫米蘭

Community Chest Charity Show 2016 – 萬眾同心公益金

Study with Chief Executive of Hong Kong 2047 – 同2047特首上學去

J.S.G. Selections 2016 (Part 1) – 2016勁歌金曲優秀選第一回


Level Up – 學嘢

Touring the Hood – 街坊導賞團

A Starry Homecoming – 星星探親團

Hong Kong Arts Development Awards 2015 Presentation Ceremony – 2015香港藝術發展獎頒獎禮

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