Category: The Blood-Stained Intrigue – 神劍魔刀

The Blood-Stained Intrigue – 神劍魔刀

Description: 白奉天、祝綺雲(呂有慧飾)夫婦,被誣殺害四大正派掌門,全家被屠。白氏夫婦攜子女逃亡,終被殺,三子女失散,各有奇遇。 幼子展武(歐瑞偉飾)冒死過幽冥絕谷,得「劍聖」、「刀仙」傳授武功。二老偶獲天外靈鐵,鍊成神劍魔刀。二老切磋武藝,「刀仙」受魔刀影響,神智喪亂,砍死「劍聖」。「刀仙」攜魔刀出谷,從此武林掀起一片血雨腥風。 展武攜神劍重出江湖,找尋線索為父母翻案,得「一俠」洪鎮宇(黎漢持飾)父女等人相助,時厲鬼復仇橫行江湖,展武發現乃其姊玉瑛所為,幾經波折姊弟重逢,並掌握了雪冤證據,主兇竟是其母之孖生妹妹祝綺霜(呂有慧兼飾飾)! 白家長子展文(區偉麟飾)被追殺時受傷失憶,其後魔刀輾轉落在其手。敵人迷惑展文,使其與展武之神劍抗衡,兄弟相殘,神劍魔刀大火併! Language: Cantonese Production company(s): TVB Country: Hong Kong Times: 40 Episodes Release Date: 1986 Cast: Wong Wan Choi

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The Blood-Stained Intrigue – 神劍魔刀 – Episode 40

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The Blood-Stained Intrigue – 神劍魔刀 – Episode 39

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The Blood-Stained Intrigue – 神劍魔刀 – Episode 38

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The Blood-Stained Intrigue – 神劍魔刀 – Episode 37

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The Blood-Stained Intrigue – 神劍魔刀 – Episode 36

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The Blood-Stained Intrigue – 神劍魔刀 – Episode 35

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The Blood-Stained Intrigue – 神劍魔刀 – Episode 34

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The Blood-Stained Intrigue – 神劍魔刀 – Episode 33

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The Blood-Stained Intrigue – 神劍魔刀 – Episode 32

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The Blood-Stained Intrigue – 神劍魔刀 – Episode 31

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The Blood-Stained Intrigue – 神劍魔刀 – Episode 30

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The Blood-Stained Intrigue – 神劍魔刀 – Episode 29

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The Blood-Stained Intrigue – 神劍魔刀 – Episode 28

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The Blood-Stained Intrigue – 神劍魔刀 – Episode 27

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The Blood-Stained Intrigue – 神劍魔刀 – Episode 26

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The Blood-Stained Intrigue – 神劍魔刀 – Episode 25

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The Blood-Stained Intrigue – 神劍魔刀 – Episode 24

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The Blood-Stained Intrigue – 神劍魔刀 – Episode 23

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The Blood-Stained Intrigue – 神劍魔刀 – Episode 22

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The Blood-Stained Intrigue – 神劍魔刀 – Episode 21

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The Blood-Stained Intrigue – 神劍魔刀 – Episode 20

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