Unrequited Love (Mandarin) – 暗戀橘生淮南

Your Highness, The Class Monitor (Mandarin) - 班長殿下
Cheat My Boss (Mandarin) - 馬卡龍少女

Description: 橘生淮南·暗恋 / Ju Sheng Huai Nan – An Lian / 暗恋·橘生淮南
A story revolving around two students, Huai Nan and Lui Zhi, who immediately hit it off when they meet in university, but a message from an ex complicates things. Furthermore, Huai Nan discovers that Luo Zhi has been harboring a secret crush on him since their younger days.

Luo Zhi has been caught in a one-sided love with Huai Nan for over ten years as she acts in a monodrama of her own creation. Her feelings towards Huai Nan are complicated, fueled by an honest admiration for his excellence but also tainted with jealousy and hatred.

While following Sheng Huai Nan, Luo Zhi is also admitted to the best university. Her one-sided love finally gets a new chapter when the two start getting close to each other, but reality hits hard and they undergo many trials. Will they finally be together? Who took Luo Zhi’s diary? Which one will prevail – love or family?

《暗戀·橘生淮南》(英語:Unrequited Love),2019年中國偶像劇,改編自八月長安同名小說,由李木戈執導,胡一天、胡冰卿、張逸傑、劉美含主演。與《遇見最好的我們》及《你好,舊時光》合稱為“振華三部曲”。洛枳與盛淮南兒時曾在婚禮上見過並一起玩耍,因家庭變故,洛枳努力讀書,高中時與盛淮南同校卻並不熟悉,後來二人一同考入大學,因緣際會一起在紅葉谷遊玩,並在共同家教中不斷相知相熟。後來,受到葉展顏、丁水婧等人的干預以及兩人家庭之間的糾紛,使得洛枳與盛淮南經歷了種種誤會,最後二人在攜手創業中堅定了彼此,並克服難關勇敢地走到一起。

24 Episodes
10 June 2019



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