Description:盜生、盜太是瘋狂珠寶愛好者, 二人離婚後, 盜太得富家公子 Steve 追求, 更以家傳之寶作求婚禮品, 但 Steve 母親看不過眼, 訂下苛刻條件要盜太遵守, 表面答允盜太, 暗地卻佈置一個完美偷珠寶計劃, 眼見珠寶得到手之際, 突然出現另一人, 用同一樣手法搶去珠寶, 盜太認定此人乃其前夫盜生所為, 立即找他算帳, 正是二人離婚後首次見面, 兩人重踏舊日的足跡, 回味一起走過的日子, 不自覺重燃愛火. 後來發覺偷回來珠寶卻是假的, 盜生得知是 Steve 母親所為, 逐登門找對方查月真相…
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Description: Andy Lau and Sammi Cheng star as Mr. and Mrs. Thief, a husband and wife team of super-thieves. After a successful diamond robbery, the two get into an argument about how the loot should be split up and the husband leaves. Two years later, Mrs Thief is on the verge of remarrying although her affections […]
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