Tag: W – 兩個世界
Description: 講述現實世界中的女醫生偶然地進入了人氣漫畫《W》的世界,與漫畫主人公相遇後發生往來現實和虛幻中的懸疑愛情故事。該劇講述了2016年夏天,超級財閥姜哲與極具好奇心的外科醫生吳妍珠在同一空間卻不同的次元中交錯展開的浪漫愛情故事。 A love story between a couple in their early thirties. It’s the storyof two people who live in the same era but in different worlds. Oh Yun Joo (Han Hyo Joo)is a surgeon whose father is a famous comic book creator. One day, her father goes missing and she rushes to his workshop […]
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