Tag: Hirugao-Love Affairs in the Afternoon

Hirugao-Love Affairs in the Afternoon (Cantonese) – 晝顏

Description: Sawa Sasamoto (Aya Ueto) is a housewife. Through an incident, she beginsto have an affair with another man. Rikako Takikawa (Michiko Kichise) is a housewife and involved in an extra marital affair. She leads Sawa Sasamoto into having an affair. 劇集講述婦女在丈夫上班後的午後時段,由純良家庭主婦變成出軌人妻,挑戰道徳的出位故事。形像清純的上戶彩扮演出軌人妻,強烈的反差令本劇叫好叫座。偷情男齊藤工亦憑本劇成為主婦殺手。 Language: Cantonese Production company(s): ViuTV Country: Japan

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