Rules Of Zoovenia (Mandarin) – 不可思議的晴朗

Rules Of Zoovenia (Mandarin) - 不可思議的晴朗 - Episode 01
The Prince Of Tennis (Mandarin) - 奮鬥吧 少年

Description: 不可思议的晴朗 / Bu Ke Si Yi De Qing Lang
He Xiao Qing has been helping out at the community welfare center since she was a kid. Through a stroke of luck, she gets the opportunity to study at a prestigious school and tries hard to do well in her studies. At the same time, she continues to work part-time after school so as not to let her parents worry.

Along the way, she meets Bi Zhan Lang, a man who makes her heart flutter. She also becomes friends with Bi Xi Wen and Dong Fang Yu. Despite her efforts, it’s not easy to thrive in school as classmates can easily develop enmity over differing opinions. Lucky for her, Xiao Qing has learned many tricks from her days at the welfare center. In this coming of age story, Xiao Qing realizes that she can not only help herself but also help others achieve their dreams.

《不可思議的晴朗》(英語:Rules of Zoovenia),2019年中國偶像劇。曉晴從小在社會福利機構幫工,成年後因偶然的意外進入到中外合作的高等教育學校讀書,曉晴努力學習的同時也不忘在課程結束之後打工賺錢,不讓父母操心。在過程中,她遇到了令她心動的男孩畢湛朗,也結識了畢希文,東方昱等好友。當然,何曉晴自己的大學生存之路也沒有想像中那麼順利,同學之間也會因為立場不同而產生嫌隙,…

24 Episodes
17 July 2019


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