Miss Hong Kong in Okinawa 2014 – 2014香港小姐 預戰沖繩

15 Years Of Macau Reunification – 澳門回家十五年

Olden Days New Age Of Macau – 細味時代的巨輪

Nowhere Girls – 沒女大翻身

Walk the Walk, Talk the Talk – Sunday扮嘢王

Neighborhood Ghost Stories – 區區有鬼故

Summer Splash – 瘋狂夏水禮

Street Sorcerers 2 – 街頭魔法王2

Explore Japan Rail Drive – 夏.日.悠遊

TV Commerical Awards – 2014 TVB最受歡迎廣告頒獎典禮

Caritas Charity Show 2014 – 明愛暖萬心

The Conquerors – 快樂聯盟

FIFA 2014 World Cup Samba Passion – 2014 FIFA巴西世界盃-熱爆巴西

Pilgrimage To Football Meccas – 走過足球聖地

Easy Living – 活得好Easy

The 33rd Hong Kong Film Awards Presentation Ceremony – 第三十三屆香港電影金像獎頒獎典禮

Good Cheap Eats 2 – 食平DD 2

Pleasure and Leisure – 都市閒情

Green Room – 今日VIP

Eating Well With Madam Wong – 吾淑吾食

Hong Kong Asian Pop Music Festival – 2014香港亞洲流行音樂節

Bet Your Remember – 年代大激斗

King of Acting – 瀛真扮野王

Strip The City – 拆解型城

I am Boss – 我要做老闆


TVB Entertainment News – 娱乐新闻报道


Fortune All Around – 區區有運行

Scoop – 東張西望

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