Description: The story is about a plain-looking vegetable market worker Gung Yan-tung (Wong Cho-lam) who mysteriously turn into the most popular cantopop star Gan Lik-shun (Bosco Wong) after he eats chocolate.
While Gun Lik-shun is in “singer mode”, he is by far the best selling celebrity in Hong Kong. The problem is that when the chocolate effect wears off, Gung Yan-tung becomes a regular person again. He soon develops a relationship with Tse On-fei (Kate Tsui), who has no idea of his real identity.
在街市菜販的恭因銅(王祖藍飾),相貌平庸,矇豬眼,豬膽鼻,孖潤腸咀,身材迷你,堪稱世間難得一見醜陋菜販。因銅與魚販鄭中笄(王青飾)、賣豬肉的蔡卓嚴(林子善飾)及賣雞的容嫂兒(羅敏莊飾)為好友。因銅五短身材,但他熱愛歌唱,志向卻遠大,期望有朝一日成為天皇巨星。他憑著一腔熱血參加《超Cup巨聲》,可惜因相貌問題,縱使歌聲再悅耳,也慘被叮出局,更成為全城笑柄,參賽片段成了youtube熱播短片。 因銅唯有接受現實,繼續做其街市魚販。然而因銅的醜男生活亦並不平凡,每日皆遇上各樣麻煩,例如逛街被人誤會鹹豬手……吃盡苦頭! 失戀絕望 仙丹打救 某日,因銅偶遇夢中情人,外國回流的超級美女楊仙嬅(苟芸慧飾),二人一拍即合,出乎意料地,仙嬅對他沒有半點歧視,完全不介意其外表,令因銅頓覺溫暖。 因銅在街市死黨蔡卓嚴(林子善飾)鼓勵下,鼓起勇氣向仙嬅示愛,但當仙嬅問到因銅到底喜歡自己甚麼,他竟不擅辭令,說不出個所以然來,只道喜歡仙嬅美麗的外表,令她大失所望。她認為因銅只是一個重視外表的人,心灰之下拒愛。….
Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 08 Episodes
Release Date: 2010
Cast: Bosco Wong, Wong Cho-lam, Kitty Yuen, Kate Tsui, Christine Kuo