Dark Tales 2 – 聊齋2

Black Heart White Soul - 忠奸人
Dark Tales - 聊齋


Description: The Chinese literary masterpiece “Dark Tales” is again brought to the TV screen with the help of phenomenal computer animations and special effects. “Dark Tales II” consists of eight touching love stories between earthly men and the immortals, which are in fact parables: “Feather Fairy” describes how earthly love cannot resist temptations; “The Phantom and the Fox” points out man can hardly distinguish between the good and the evil; “The Judge from Hell” prompts man not to be greedy and that being common is good; “Flower Fairies” relates how easy man will turn weak and suspicious; “Mistake” teaches man to do good; “Ghost Mother” shows how deep a mother loves her child; “Sacred Sword” reminds man not to underestimate others; and “Eternal Love” reveals how love can last forever.

《聊齋(貳)》遠赴中國四川、雲南取景,故事寫盡鬼魅靈幻,情節哀怨曲折,配合電腦特技效果製作,讓中國古典文學瑰寶再現螢幕! 八個詭異動人的人鬼狐仙故事,寫盡世情變幻無常,包括:描寫世人信誓旦旦、愛情經不起考驗的「綠野飛仙」;講述狐鬼鬥法、正邪難辨的「魅影靈狐」;警惕世人平凡是福的「陸判奇譚」;闡述人、仙相戀、不離不棄的「花醉紅塵」;導出好心有好報的「陰差陽錯」;描寫母慈子孝、倫理親情的「鬼母痴兒」;寓意驕兵必敗的「斬妖神劍」;及細味浪漫愛情的「隔世追情」等。

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 40 Episodes
Release Date: 09 March 1998
Cast: Benny Chan, Louisa So, Derek Kwok, Joey Leung, Felix Lok,Wilson Tsui, Noel Leung, Evergreen Mak, Dickson Lee, Florence Kwok, Rain Lau, Joyce Chen, Fung So Bor, Eric Li, Lily Li, Kitty Lau

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