C Drama

C Drama

Legend of the Condor Heroes 2017 (Cantonese) – 射鵰英雄傳

General And I (Cantonese) – 孤芳不自赏

Marry Or Not – 結婚好嗎

A LIFE (Cantonese) – 深愛的人

AKB Love Night Love Factory – AKB戀工場

Neko Samurai: Tamanojo Goes to Edo – 貓侍前傳: 玉之丞萌翻江戶

The Princess Weiyoung (Cantonese) – 錦繡未央

Love Me Or Leave Me (Cantonese) – 我租了一個情人

The War Of Beauties (Cantonese) – 愛情悠悠藥草香

Old Days in Shanghai (Cantonese) – 像火花像蝴蝶

Young Sherlock (Cantonese) – 少年神探狄仁傑

Shining Days (Cantonese) – 璀璨人生

Grow Up (Cantonese) – 長大

Nirvana in Fire (Cantonese) – 琅琊榜

The Virtuous Queen of Han (Mandarin) – 衛子夫

Love at Second Sight (Cantonese) – 一見不鍾情

Red Sorghum (Cantonese) – 紅高粱

Divorce Lawyers (Cantonese) – 離婚律師

V-Love (Cantonese) – 微時代

The Sound of Desert (Cantonese) – 風中奇緣

The Emperor’s Harem (Cantonese) – 後宮

Love Is Not Blind (Cantonese) – 失戀33天

King’s War (Cantonese) – 楚漢

Detectives and Doctors (Cantonese) – 陸小鳳與花滿樓

Scarlet Heart (Cantonese) – 步步驚心

The Stand-in (Cantonese) – 十月圍城

Scarlet Heart 2 (Cantonese) – 步步驚情