Burning Flame – 烈火雄心

Burning Flame 2 - 烈火雄心 2
A Pillow Case of Mystery 2 - 施公奇案2

Description: Lok Tin Yau has always dreamed of becoming a firefighter. Sum Pik Yiu and Tin Yau are good friends but Tin Yau later falls for Pik Yiu after he helps her. But she has to give her feelings up for him when his childhood friend comes to Hong Kong from Japan. Lok Hew Fung, Lok Tin Yau, and Ng Dai Heng are best friends who join and become firefighters. This drama is about the lives of firefighters and the situations that they deal with everyday.

自小立志成為消防員的祐(王喜),與好友拔(鄭敬基)及興(錢嘉樂)一同投考消防訓練學校,於校內結識了英俊寡言的柏(古天樂)、外剛內柔的瑤(關詠荷)及少爺兵基(鄧兆尊),彼此成為好友。在教練星(夏韶聲)的地獄式訓練下,各人排除萬難,成功畢業,並分別加入不同的消防局。 祐、拔、瑤及興等被派往消防精英峰(李子雄)指揮的消防局,而柏則獲派駐長洲。祐得峰賞識,建立亦師亦友的關係;但世事難料,因祐母突病危,竟揭發原來祐和峰乃同父異母的兄弟!此時,祐漸成為出色的消防員,鋒芒蓋過峰,而峰因一次錯誤決定,受盡指責,被逼辭職,因而遷怒祐。再加上峰發現心愛的瑤竟鍾情於祐,兄弟二人關係更勢成水火。另一方面,柏與女消防員翠(梁琤)發生感情,但翠卻是其兄逸(鄭子誠)之女友,這段糾纏不清的戀情終令兄弟決裂! 各人備受感情困擾的同時,亦要為救人於水火而疲於奔命;此時,連串縱火案相繼發生,公然向一眾救火英雄挑戰!

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 43 Episodes
Release Date: 1998
Cast: Wong Hei, Esther Kwan, Louis Koo, Jade Leung, Waise Lee, Chin Ka Lok, Joe Tay, Johnny Tang, Danny Summer, Paul Chun

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