Black Heart White Soul – 忠奸人

Law & Disorder - 律政強人
Dark Tales 2 - 聊齋2

Description: Tam Mei Ching (Kristal Tin) who has low moral consciousness takes the rap for her boyfriend who has committed a crime. After serving her sentence, Ko Zit Hang (Roger Kwok), a lawyer helps her start afresh by giving her a job at his law firm. Ko initially had a bright future ahead but was crashed when rookie police Cheung Lap Guen (Ron Ng) accidentadly hurt him when he was on a mission, causing Ko to be wheelchair bounded for the rest of his life. At the same time, this creates an opportunity for the two to break the law.As Ko’s hidden conspiracies is exposed, Cheung harbors him out of guilt. Eventually, will Tam be able to make the right choice between love and moral?
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 30 Episodes
Release Date: 14 July 2014 – 22 August 2014
Cast: Roger Kwok ,Ron Ng ,Kristal Tin ,Kiki Sheung ,Waise Lee ,Louis Cheung ,Leanne Li ,Jason Chan Chi-san

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