Because This Is My First Life (Cantonese) – 今生是第一次

Because This Is My First Life (Cantonese) - 今生是第一次 - Episode 01
Hide and Seek (English subtitles) - 숨바꼭질

Description:A house-poor man and homeless woman become housemates in a drama thatexamines the institution of marriage and the problems that young peopleface today.

Nam Se Hee (Lee Min Ki)is a single man in his early 30’s. He has chosen to not marry. He owns his home, but he owes a lot on his mortgage. Meanwhile, Yoon Ji Ho (Jung So Min)is a single woman in her early 30’s. She does not own a home and enviesthose that do. She has given up on dating due to her financial struggles. Yoon Ji Ho begins to live at Nam Se Hee’s house. They become housemates.


Language: Cantonese
Country: Korea
Director: Park Joon Hwa
Cast: Lee Min Ki, Jung So Min, Esom, Park Byung Eun, Kim Eung Soo

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