Category: Split Second – 爭分奪秒

Description: This story is about the 30-day game of chasing between the Hong Kong police and the Hong Kong Triads, who are allegedly linked to the Thaimafia. The story starts on April 1, 2004 with an attack on the police commissioner, and ends on April 30, 2004, with the deaths of many good people. 二零零四年四月一日,西九龍重案組警長馮志偉(方中信飾)、臥底探員楊啟東(譚耀文飾)、刑事情報科(CIB)高級督察黃家輝(鄭嘉穎飾),三個本來各不相干的人,於四月一日開始至四月三十日內,要搗破香港最大的黑幫集團,更要阻止一項暗殺候任警務處處長王振揚(高雄飾)的大陰謀。三人就在這三十日內,將香港作為一個困獸鬥的大舞台,用最接近事實的角度,與匪徒作最鬥智鬥力的競賽。 […]
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