Category: Invisible Journey – 彩色世界

Invisible Journey – 彩色世界

Description: Although JOEY (JESSICA HESTER HSUAN) is blind, her world is bright because she sees the world with her heart and lives her life with love. CALVIN (LAM, BOWIE) takes a temporary teaching position in a school on Ping Chau in order to take a break from his high pressure job. He meets JOEY who […]

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Invisible Journey – 彩色世界 – Episode 21

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Invisible Journey – 彩色世界 – Episode 20

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Invisible Journey – 彩色世界 – Episode 19

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Invisible Journey – 彩色世界 – Episode 18

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Invisible Journey – 彩色世界 – Episode 17

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Invisible Journey – 彩色世界 – Episode 16

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Invisible Journey – 彩色世界 – Episode 15

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Invisible Journey – 彩色世界 – Episode 14

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Invisible Journey – 彩色世界 – Episode 13

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Invisible Journey – 彩色世界 – Episode 12

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Invisible Journey – 彩色世界 – Episode 11

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Invisible Journey – 彩色世界 – Episode 10

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Invisible Journey – 彩色世界 – Episode 09

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Invisible Journey – 彩色世界 – Episode 08

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Invisible Journey – 彩色世界 – Episode 07

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Invisible Journey – 彩色世界 – Episode 06

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Invisible Journey – 彩色世界 – Episode 05

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Invisible Journey – 彩色世界 – Episode 04

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Invisible Journey – 彩色世界 – Episode 03

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Invisible Journey – 彩色世界 – Episode 02

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Invisible Journey – 彩色世界 – Episode 01

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