Category: The Duel of the Twins – 絕代雙驕

The Duel of the Twins – 絕代雙驕

Description: 移花宮主邀月因愛成恨,追殺江楓(苗僑偉飾)、花月奴(戚美珍飾)夫婦,二人離奇中毒身亡。邀月一怒定下,把楓一雙孖生兒子分開撫養,企圖令親兄弟長大後互相仇殺以洩憤。 十餘年後,一對孖生子長大成人,花無缺(吳岱融飾)在移花宮中被邀月授予超卓武功,而小魚兒(梁朝偉飾)則在惡人谷中長大,從四大惡人身上學得詭計多端。無缺及小魚兒分別奉命追尋南天寶藏,二人不期而遇,結成好友,並同時結識了蘇櫻(謝寧飾)、鐵心蘭(黎美嫻飾)及張菁(劉美娟飾)等幾位姑娘,發展了幾段愛恨交纏的愛情故事。 最後,邀月逼無缺與小魚兒作生死決鬥,小魚兒憑機智查出邀月奸計,並揭穿殺父母仇人江別鶴及玉郎(關禮傑飾)禍害江湖之陰謀,兄弟二人合力,將眾魔消滅。 Language: Cantonese Production company(s): TVB Country: Hong Kong Times: 20 Episodes Release Date: Cast:

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The Duel of the Twins – 絕代雙驕 – Episode 20

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The Duel of the Twins – 絕代雙驕 – Episode 19

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The Duel of the Twins – 絕代雙驕 – Episode 18

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The Duel of the Twins – 絕代雙驕 – Episode 17

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The Duel of the Twins – 絕代雙驕 – Episode 16

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The Duel of the Twins – 絕代雙驕 – Episode 15

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The Duel of the Twins – 絕代雙驕 – Episode 14

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The Duel of the Twins – 絕代雙驕 – Episode 13

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The Duel of the Twins – 絕代雙驕 – Episode 12

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The Duel of the Twins – 絕代雙驕 – Episode 11

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The Duel of the Twins – 絕代雙驕 – Episode 10

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The Duel of the Twins – 絕代雙驕 – Episode 09

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The Duel of the Twins – 絕代雙驕 – Episode 08

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The Duel of the Twins – 絕代雙驕 – Episode 07

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The Duel of the Twins – 絕代雙驕 – Episode 06

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The Duel of the Twins – 絕代雙驕 – Episode 05

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The Duel of the Twins – 絕代雙驕 – Episode 04

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The Duel of the Twins – 絕代雙驕 – Episode 03

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The Duel of the Twins – 絕代雙驕 – Episode 02

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The Duel of the Twins – 絕代雙驕 – Episode 01

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