Description:1987: When the Day Comes is a revolutionary historical film, set in the chaotic 1987 of Korean politics, revolves around the event of a 22-year-old student named Park Jong Chul of Seoul University. He was a revolutionary who was imprisoned and tortured with various measures such as beating, electric shock, and death to death when he joined the anti-government movement at that time. His death sparked a wave of opposition to the regime of then-President Chun Doo Hwan and paved the way for the democratic movement in South Korea.
Outstanding excellence both in terms of script and acting, plus a multi-dimensional objective view, “1987: When the Day Comes” has made incumbent President Moon Jae In, a former pro-democracy activist 80s, extremely moved to tears.
Kim Yoon-seok, Ha Jung-woo, Yoo Hae-jin, Kim Tae-ri, Park Hee-Soon và Lee Hee-joon
Jang Joon-hwan
129 minutes.
December 29, 2017