J Drama

J Drama

Reversal Orchestra (Cantonese) – 逆轉管弦樂團

Only Just Married (Cantonese) – 只是在結婚證書上蓋個印

The Travel Nurse (Cantonese) – 旅行护士

Silent (Cantonese) – 静雪

The Killer Inside (Cantonese) – 為親愛的我致上殺意

Love With a Case (Cantonese) – 初戀的惡魔

Old Rookie (Cantonese) – 老將新町

Invisible (Cantonese) – INVISIBLE: 懸案未決

My Family (Cantonese) – 救參家族

Ossan’s Love 2016 (Cantonese) – 大叔的愛 特別篇

Doctor X 6 (Cantonese) – 女醫神Doctor X 6

Good Morning Show (Cantonese) – 早晨!動新聞

Prison Princesses (Cantonese) – 監獄公主

Tower of Sand (Cantonese) – 砂之塔

Legal V (Cantonese) – Legal V~前律師‧小鳥遊翔子~

Grill Room Investigation 3 (Cantonese) – 非常審查官3

CHIEF (Cantonese) – CHIEF~警視廳IR分析室~

Downtown Rocket (2018) (Cantonese) – 下町火箭 (2018) (雙語版)

Stepmom and Daughter Blues (Cantonese) – 繼母與女兒的藍調

CSI:Crime Scene Talks S5 (Cantonese) – 遺留搜查5

Ossan’s Love – 大叔的愛

Couple on the Backtrack (Cantonese) – 告白夫婦

Unnatural (Cantonese) – 不自然死因研究所

It’s All About The Looks (Cantonese) – 人100%靠外表

BORDER Redemption (Cantonese) – BORDER 贖罪

Dr. Storks 2 (Cantonese) – 雙面醫生2

Detective Yugami (Cantonese) – 刑事弓神

Solitary Gourmet Tohoku Miyagi SP (Cantonese) – 孤獨的美食家宮城出差篇


Akira and Akira (Cantonese) – 彬與瑛